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The Forming Process and Selection Method of Zirconia Beads

- 2020-04-09 13:29-

Zirconia beads are high-quality grinding media in the grinding materials of ball mills, and the grinding efficiency is very good even in pin-type sand mills with huge impact. So, how does the zirconia beads of Shanghai Zhimo achieve this?

1. Raw materials: First, choose good raw materials. The quality of zirconia powder directly affects the quality and grinding performance of zirconia beads. The particle size of the zirconia powder raw material will also directly affect the wear resistance of the beads.

2. Sintering aids: followed by sintering aids and the sintering process. The sintering aids are used to reduce the sintering temperature, thereby improving the microstructure of zirconia ceramics and improving their wear resistance. Among them, the temperature of the products we control during the sintering process is higher than that of other manufacturers in the industry, and the products are more stable and pressure resistant; in addition to the automated production process, the zirconium beads we produce need to withstand two pressure tester tests; In the process, there are only 5 domestic manufacturers of sorting machines, and Zhimo is one of them. In addition, we strictly control each production technology gate to avoid the appearance of substandard products.

3. Forming: There are two forming methods on the market now: roll forming and isostatic pressing. Roll forming and isostatic pressing technology have changed other forming defects such as hollow and layered unevenness.

How to see the quality of zirconium beads?
1. Look at the surface roundness
The roundness and particle size distribution of zirconium beads are closely related to the sorting and screening process. Good zirconium beads have good roundness and reasonable particle size distribution.
2. Look at the surface structure
The surface structure of zirconium beads is related to the two major processes of zirconium bead molding and polishing. A good zirconium bead surface structure can achieve the effect of mirror reflection, which can effectively reduce the wear of zirconium beads during the grinding process and the impact of sand mill equipment. Wear. The rough surface structure of zirconium beads will increase the wear of the ball and increase the wear of the equipment.
3. Look at the internal structure
The surface structure of the zirconium beads is related to the forming process of the zirconium beads. A good internal structure of the zirconium beads is dense and uniform, which can effectively reduce the wear of the zirconium beads during the grinding process and greatly reduce the possibility of broken beads. The internal structure of stratification, holes, and cracks will cause the beads to break into the material, and at the same time increase the wear of the equipment cylinder. At the same time, zirconium beads with defective internal structure will greatly increase the grinding loss.
4. Look at wear
What can reflect the quality of zirconium beads is the actual abrasion test. Each batch of products must undergo quality testing.
5. Look at other parameters
The density, crushing strength and Vickers hardness of zirconium beads are also important standards to measure the quality of zirconium beads.

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