HOME > News > The Full-Automatic Nano-Zirconia Powder Production Line of Zhimo Was Officially Put Into Operation

The Full-Automatic Nano-Zirconia Powder Production Line of Zhimo Was Officially Put Into Operation

- 2021-06-09 14:37-

Zirconia is an inorganic non-metallic material with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance and excellent electrical conductivity. Its application field has been extended to structural materials and functional materials. It is also a high-performance new material that is encouraged by the national industrial policy. One of the materials is currently being widely used in various industries.

Anhui Zhimo New Material Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Root Group, under the dual impetus of policy promotion and enterprise expansion and reform, the fully automatic nano-zirconia powder production line was officially put into operation and put into production on May 8. The project has an investment of over 12 million yuan and an annual output of 3000 tons.

In the clean production workshop that strictly implements the "6S", only one sand mill, feeding, kettle and other equipment are in operation. After a series of processes such as feeding and processing, the finished product is finally formed.

As early as the end of 2020, Anhui Zhimo New Materials, after confirming its listing journey, combined with the business foundation of zirconia beads and its own advantages, began to plan the self-made nano-zirconia powder project.

The company invested more than 12 million yuan to renovate the original workshop, set up storage areas for raw materials and finished products, project initiation, planning, design, implementation...In just over two months, the workshop renovation, equipment and raw material procurement were completed.

Early May: The fully automatic nano-zirconia powder production line was officially put into production and operation.

Under the joint efforts of enterprises and departments

Early February: The production line of nano-zirconia powder was officially established.

May 8: officially put into production and operation

Since then, all products using nano-zirconia powder as raw materials such as zirconia beads, bearing zirconia balls, and zirconia structural parts under Anhui Zhimo New Materials have officially realized self-sufficiency, from the procurement of raw materials to the processing of products. To sales, we can further provide our customers with more continuous and stable qualified products.

Such as learning and learning, deep ploughing in technological development, such as polishing and grinding, create brilliant quality. Zhimo will always adhere to the concept of quality first, service first, and provide users with ceramic abrasive products with reasonable prices and high quality.

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