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The Crystal Structure, Properties of Zirconia and Its Role in Refractory Materials

- 2020-12-07 09:18-

Zirconia is an inorganic non-metallic material with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance and excellent electrical conductivity, especially its excellent room temperature mechanical properties, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, and it is favored by scientific researchers. In the early 1920s It is applied to the field of refractory materials. Since the mid-1970s, outstanding countries in Europe, America and Japan have competed to invest in research and development of zirconia production technology and the production of zirconia series products, in-depth expansion of the application field of zirconia to structural materials and functional materials. At the same time, zirconia is also one of the key incentives for the development of high-performance new materials in the national industrial policy.

1. ZrO2 crystal structure

At high temperatures, ZrO2 belongs to a cubic fluorite structure. As shown in Figure 1, because the diameter of Zr4+ is larger than the diameter of O2- ions, it can be considered that Zr4+ forms a face-centered cubic lattice, occupying 1/2 of the octahedral gap, and O2- ions Occupies all four tetrahedral voids in the face-centered cubic lattice.

              Figure 1

There are three crystal types of pure zirconia under normal pressure, monoclinic system at low temperature, density 5.68g/cm3, tetragonal system at high temperature, density 6.10g/cm3, and cubic system at higher temperature, density 6.27g/cm3 , The transformation relationship between the three crystal forms is as follows:

At room temperature, ZrO2 can only be a monoclinic phase. When it is calcined with zirconium salt to reach 650℃, a stable tetragonal phase appears. When it continues to rise, the tetragonal phase gradually transforms into a monoclinic phase. When the temperature continues to rise to 830℃, ZrO2 changes again. It begins to transform into tetragonal phase, and when it reaches 1170℃, it completely transforms into tetragonal phase, and when the temperature rises to 2370℃, it transforms into cubic phase; when the temperature decreases, it gradually transforms into tetragonal phase, and when it reaches room temperature, it becomes stable monoclinic phase. The transformation of monoclinic zirconia at 830 to 1200°C is more complicated and will cause hysteresis. It is this hysteresis phenomenon that provides a key performance for the application of zirconium dioxide in ceramics and refractory materials. During the transformation process, the corresponding volume change will occur. When the temperature rises, the volume shrinks by 5% when the temperature changes from the monoclinic phase to the tetragonal phase, and the volume expands when the temperature decreases from the tetragonal phase to the monoclinic phase. %, there are three phase structures, and their thermal expansion is different. Table 1 shows the lattice constants and densities of the three crystal forms of zirconia.

                 Table 1  The lattice constant and density of pure zirconia

2. The properties of zirconia and its role in refractory materials

In the oxide product system, ZrO2 contains many excellent characteristics, such as high melting point (2700℃), high structural strength at high temperature (200Kpa at 2000℃, can hold for 0.5~1 hour to produce deformation), good chemical stability, regardless of acid and Alkali or glass are all highly chemically inert, not easy to be wetted by liquid metal, so they also contain high metal stability (for many molten metals and even very active metals of group IV, V, VI contain good corrosion resistance), high temperature The vapor pressure and decomposition pressure are both low, and it contains lower volatility than Al2O3 and MgO.

ZrO2 has higher stability to vacuum than Al2O3 and MgO, which can be explained by the high bonding strength of zirconium and oxygen. The breaking energy of the Zr-O bond in ZrO2 is 757.8kJ/mol, but the Mg-O bond is 481.5kL/mol, and the Al-O bond is 418.7kJ/mol. The affinity of zirconium for oxygen and the strong Zr-O bond explain its higher metal stability than magnesia and alumina and lower interaction with carbon steel and decarburized steel. Therefore, it can be considered that ZrO2 can meet the technical requirements for smelting many pure metals and alloys at high temperature and high vacuum, and is a key refractory material for metallurgy in the future. Table 2 shows the key properties of refractories containing ZrO2.

                     Table 2   Key properties of refractories containing ZrO2

The role of zirconia in refractory materials:
(1) Good chemical stability, prolonging the corrosion of Fe and other metal ions to refractory materials;
(2) Improve material properties and enhance the thermal stability of refractory products;
(3) According to the different performance of compound items, the production process can be optimized to improve the performance of refractory products and reduce the production cost;
(4) The compound has a high melting temperature and a higher production temperature of a low melting mixture.

3. ZrO2 material stabilization

Because the reversible transformation between monoclinic and tetragonal zirconium dioxide is accompanied by a volume effect. It causes the refractory to easily crack when it is fired, so it is extremely difficult to produce a sintered product without cracking using pure zirconia alone. If an appropriate amount of CaO, MgO, Y2O3, Nb2O3, CeO2, ScO3 and other cation radius and Zr4+ ion radius are within 12% of zirconia are added to zirconia, after high temperature treatment, all stable cubic shapes from room temperature to 2000℃ Zirconia solid solution, thereby eliminating the volume effect caused by phase change during heating or cooling, and avoiding cracking of products containing zirconia. The above-mentioned addition of oxide becomes a stabilizer. After this stabilization treatment, zirconia is called stabilized zirconia, and the process of preparing stabilized zirconia is called zirconia stabilization.

The widely used stabilizers are CaO, MgO and their mixtures, of which CaO is more effective, followed by MgO. The amount of CaO added is usually 3-8% or more (by mass). ZrO2-MgO system cubic solid solution will decompose after a long time heat treatment (1000~1400℃), causing product damage. Although ZrO2-CaO cubic solid solution is relatively stable, it will partially decompose when heated for a long time, and ZrO2 loses its stabilization effect. Compared with other ZrO2 solid solutions, the key advantage of ZrO2-Y2O3 solid solution is that it will not decompose when heated at 1100~1400℃ for a long time. However, this kind of oxide is scarce and expensive, and can only be used in places with special requirements. Recently, several compounding agents have been studied, such as ZrO2-MgO and ZrO2-CaO solid solution by adding 1~2% Y2O3 to significantly improve its thermal shock stability. Adding 3~5% Y2O3 can make the solid solution not decompose at all, and it has high mechanical strength and low thermal expansion coefficient.

The biggest disadvantage of fully stable ZrO2 is its high thermal expansion coefficient and poor thermal shock resistance. Partially stabilized zirconia can effectively improve its thermal shock resistance. The principle is that when the stabilizer is added in a small amount, only a part of the ZrO2 and the stabilizer form a solid solution. When cooling from high temperature to normal temperature, there is still a part of ZrO2 undergoing phase change, from cubic or tetragonal phase to monoclinic phase, and Accompanied by a certain volume change. Because this volume change is small and is controlled by the amount of stabilizer added, it will not cause damage to the sintered body of the product. On the contrary, this volume change can produce a certain amount of microcracks in the sintered body of the product. Such microcracks can absorb crack propagation energy when the material is subjected to thermal stress, inhibit crack propagation, and improve the heat resistance of the material. Shock capacity. Therefore, partially stabilized zirconium dioxide has a wider range of uses than fully stabilized zirconium dioxide. The degree of stabilization of partially stabilized zirconia is expressed in terms of stabilization rate:

Stabilization rate = (cubic phase + tetragonal phase) / (cubic phase + tetragonal phase + monoclinic phase)

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