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How to Judge the Polishing Effect of Ceramic Sand

- 2019-07-26 14:04-

1. The ceramic sand has good polishing effect, the surface treatment is smooth and uniform, and has a high consistency.
2. Good toughness, not easy to break, can be recycled repeatedly, long service life, reduce energy consumption, and reduce costs.
3. No pollution to the processed parts or products.

4. Ceramic sand reduces dust, increases the service life of equipment and improves the working environment.
5. Ceramic sand is used for shot peening. A large number of projectiles are sprayed on the surface of the part. The violent impact causes the surface of the metal part to produce extremely strong plastic deformation, and the surface of the part produces a certain thickness of cold work hardening layer, which is called the surface strengthening layer. The strengthening layer will significantly improve the fatigue strength of parts under high temperature and high humidity work. In addition, shot peening can also promote the transformation of the surface structure of the steel, that is, the residual austenite is induced to transform into martensite, and can refine the substructure of martensite, further improve the surface hardness and wear resistance of the workpiece, thereby extending Its service life. After actual test, shot peening for 10 seconds, the deformation of the arc height test piece can reach 0.6mm, and the coverage rate is 100%.

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